Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Words of the day - 5

I know travel cost you a sum of money,
but when you got the opportunity, just dive in,
see what drives you, perhaps,
your eyes can be opened to see the world,
in other new perspective..

But if not, do go for a cup of tea with travelers,
you may find their stories quite interesting,
it makes you appreciate what you have and what you don't have..

Travel-a destiny to knowing a world with different view.


Sunday, 1 December 2013

ICON magazine - December Issue 2013

Woahhhh, it's december already!!!!!

We'll end our year soon with lots of festivals in december such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year Eve Celebration. Ohgoshhh.. Don't forget about Black Friday and Y.E.S (Year End Sales) too~ Hee~ So that what make all of us busy in last period of every year right? <(^o^)>

Seriously I am not ready for 2014 because I need 2013 again and again because it's my last teen age~ Ohgoshhh help me, I'll be 20 by next year and no more teen as per nine-teen~ Fainted*

Haiiihhh, we just can't avoid it.. =..=''

But have you ever been seen this Magazine somewhere??

Heee~ Tadaaaa..
It's not real of course, merely my edition. I got nothing to do so I decided that I'll make something about my apps. I should bother their life, don't you dare just sitting quietly in my phone~

So I've decided to put my picture on the ICON magazine for December Issue. This is not an existing magazine but I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee itttttttttttttt~ I will be the first one that excited and over the cloud when this is true which is not. I'll be saying, can you see me???? It's Thirteen Persona is the cover girl for ICON magazine. Heh heh heh....

But, will you buy it if it's true? \(*^*)/

Hmm okay I just want to share my randomness with you guys~ Hee~