Sunday 12 January 2014

Words of the day - 6


Say no to SLAVERY!!! Heee~

Before you guys conclude this statement, STOP for a while. Read my reasons first okay~ Hee..

When you can do something good, never do it for free. You got the talents and efforts but people sometimes used you for their benefits. That's why you should charged them. HAHAHA.. It is some sort of SLAVERY too when you are being forced to something freely. Why must you do so? See~ BUT with a very big BUT here, by the virtue of LOVE and AFFECTION, it's okay to do such a free things out of charged. 

For instant example, your wife need you to change the light bulb, are you seriously gonna charged your wife for it.. (^o^)~ Hahaha.. that would be an awful husband attitude~ How come that responsibility turns into spare jobs. :p

Or if your wife cooks for you, it wouldn't be reasonable for her to ask you to pay for the food right? Hee~ That's why this statement is for a type of people that loveeeee (always- which everytime they see you, they'll surely will ask you to do it) to ask another people to do their job for free~



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