Saturday, 17 September 2016

Gallery Ho Chi Minh Trip 2016

Hi peeps,

As many of you know I've been to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for 5 days 4 nights. Which I did as a solo traveler. Yeay finally I made it myself. Haha..What a proud moment I have!

The good things are you alone and all of it were your time.

The bad things are good pictures with out you and selfie that cover the view. Lel. I didn't bring monopod cause I am unskilled person. Haha..The most important things to tell you:

- Whole period makeup free but with sunblocks that I didn't reapply when it fade. My skin is dyinggg. LEL. However I still think I am cool though. Muehuehue..~~
- I'm using my sister's digital camera and I'm bad at it. HAHA. I wish I can take my Canon DSLR but it is heavy and I'm alone.
- My Olympus digital camera is not with me. SAD!
- All of the pictures are raw not edited. So enjoy the pictures. HAHAHA.

I will share another related Ho Chi Minh Trip in these categories:

- Itinerary 5 days 4 nights Ho Chi Minh City (No pictures but with suggested places and plans)
- My story in Ho Chi Minh City (with a bit pictures)

So for this entry, I will just shared my pictures (not all) with captions randomly okay! So lets start our Gallery Ho Chi Minh Trip 2016.
Grab is really popular there!
We got Sogo!

Nguyen An Ninh or Malaysian Street

Read it carefully!

Muahahahahaha.. selfie dude!

Binh Tay Market!

Pham Ngu Lao street @ backpackers street. Lel. I meant
to take it without the van!

My way to hotel!

I did climbed and go inside there but nobody
can take my pictures. Sob!

My view <3

I look cool right using this M16 B-)

Awwww, I feel like I am a guy here. Lel.

Kachak ;) Selfie. Yes I'm at female backpackers room hotel!

Saigon Central Mosque. <3

Paris street~ So niceeeee..

HAHAHAHA as long as I'm in selfie.

Central Post Office

Notre Dame.. Cool~

What fruit is this again? 

This coconut candy taste much better and softer than
Malaysian coconut candy!

This place in real life is beautiful. Hee~

Selfie again!


Going back! I'm sad. T^T

Thanks for enjoying it.

Will do another trip, anticipating it in silent. Haha.

p/s: Do tell me in my message inbox in my facebook if you have any trip or plan to do a trip with me. :) It won't hurt to make new friend like me. HAHAHA. Thank you.


Friday, 26 August 2016

Art & Craft Teacher of the day!

Hi everyone!

I am too diligent to share with you all stories inside this blog yet too poor to read proof. Lel. Thus everyone, today I want to share my day of becoming a teacher to 5 years old children. Art & Craft teacher of the day precisely.

Firstly, it was a good experience and it makes me happy. Secondly, I can channel my artistic and crafitstic (lel) inner to the children. Muahahaha.. you will see how much energy channeling happening there!

The themes for the art & craft are Merdeka Celebration and Moon Cake Festival. What I did is introducing paper medal art in conjunction to be a winner self and Rio Olympic season and another one is self made lantern.

In the beginning I make them to do the medal then in the end I ask them to do lantern. One thing, when they have finished the medal, ensure that you giving them using both hand and put on them. It will help to create a winner feeling in each one of them. Believe me, it makes them happy, excited and proud!

Not really in a mood in sharing all the steps cause I make this entry just to share my proud moment with pictures in it. HAHAHAHA. Unless if I took pictures of the materials etc, but I didn't. That's why no crafty arty in how to do "paper medal and paper lantern" Hehe.


The children's paper lantern~ Can you spot mine?

Okay this one is mine! Number 10. Just imagined the october babies
shouting, teacher, we are same. I born in october too. I was like
"10 is 10th of March" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. I am such
evil teacher. Well they didn't bother too~

Random 1

Random 2

Random 3

"Show me the medal" pose! What a proud children they are. So much love <3 You can see
how they act like a real winner there!

I just don't know what's happening around me. But I feel
it full of small bodies with great spirit.

Peace yo! Both lanterns are mine. MINE! 

I ask them to do Fighting pose. I know, too emotional there. Haha

The flash make my face too white. XD 

I end the session by taking photos and a short speech.
Hope you really enjoy this entry~ I truly having fun to be the art & craft teacher of the day! Merdeka!


Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Salam semua!

Saya ada berita baik buat semua yang masih mencari-cari untuk membuat comp card atau portfolio dengan harga yang murah dan berbaloi!!!

Kini promosi hanya RM 80!!!
Sila baca apa yang jurugambar tersebut nak bagitau kat bawah ni!!

"ImaAliasPhotography..buat promotion!! sesiapa yang nak shoot studio!!! or nak edit manipulation inilah masanya..!!LIMITED TIME ONLY!! RM80 JEERR...dapat softcopy terus on the spot!!!
NAK buat profile?
NAK buat comcard?
NAK buat portfolio??
come booking for your slot!!
MUA pun boleh if sape3 nak shoot !!
Gamers pun boleh if ada sape3 nak buat profile korang mg terbuka untuk semua !!!
xyah risau brapa kali saya snap...itulah bilangan keping yang korang dapat!!!"

RM 80!!! RM 80!!
Apa yang anda dapat?

1. Sesi bergambar 1 jam 

2. Tiada had berapa kali tangkap gambar (Buat yang terbaik ya!!!)

3. Dapat SOFTCOPY yang dah disunting!

4. MASA boleh atur. 

5. Baju sukahati nak bawa berapa tema apa asal sempat tangkap dalam satu jam!

Kalau nak MUA (Make Up Artist) kena tambah RM 150 asing-asing. Cari MUA sendiri pun tak apa. Mekap sendiri pun tak apa.


Whatsapp <13Promosi> ke +6018 3212451 (Boleh tanya kalau tak pasti~~)

Sila tunggu anda dibalas. Sabar ya~ sebab banyak orang whatsapp jugak. :)
